If you're looking for a flavorful, savory pancake that you don't need to smother in maple syrup, you've found your match! These Chick Pea Pancakes are full of protein and vegetable goodness....
Our family loves samosas. A savory filling wrapped in pastry always receives two thumbs, 8 fingers, and 10 toes up from our boys. Of all our vegan Indian recipes, this is their favorite.
Garam means hot and Masala means spice mix. It’s a common description for an infinite number of Indian spice recipes. You can buy pre-made ground Garam Masala, but the flavor is a mere...
One of our favorite aspects of Indian cuisine is the exciting use of dips and sauces. They can add heat, sour, pungent, salty, and sweet flavors to your meal. We appreciate having at least...
This colorful, full-flavor vegan lentil dahl is made from a blend of three different kinds of pulses (edible seeds in the legume family). Making lentil dahl in an InstaPot or other pressure...
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